How do I Receive Medical Treatment?

It can be difficult for truck drivers to coordinate medical treatment. Under the law the employer is to provide the driver a choice of three (3) doctors to choose from if you are hurt on the job. This is easy if you are hurt at a job near your home, however, when truckers are hurt on the job the accident often occurs far away from their home city. Also, when the driver reports the injury to their employer or dispatcher, the trucking company is often more concerned about the delivering the load on time than they are about the injured driver. We often get calls from clients saying they are hurt and the company wants them to finish the run and then go to the doctor. So what should the driver do? Obviously there are cases that are clear. If a driver has sustained serious injuries then he or she should get medical care as soon as possible. Your health is most important. However, if you think maybe you just have a temporary injury such as a muscle strain then you can try to finish the run. Even in these cases, however, you should report the injury and see a doctor upon your return. Often injuries that start out as just "soreness" later reveal themselves as serious injuries that require significant treatment or surgery. If you do not report the injury when it occurs employers will often deny the claim. Further, under Tennessee Workers Comp law you have to report the injury within 30 days.

You may contact us online or call 800-705-2121.